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Your Divorce Attorney Online Marketing Campaign Must Include These Google Products

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An online marketing campaign for divorce attorneys is the best way to attract prospects and convert them into clients, as the majority of individuals begin their search for a divorce lawyer on Google. This is the most effective way for them to not only find local divorce law firms but also conduct initial due diligence to narrow their search.

While an SEO campaign designed to rank for the best divorce attorney related keywords and a PPC or display ad campaign to provide additional top of the page exposure is great, it’s the lineup of Google products and tools that provide the platform, data, and information needed to successfully occupy the front page of the search results for the terms that bring qualified clients.

To achieve the best result on your own, or better understand the search marketing landscape for divorce lawyers if you are working with an agency partner, it’s a good idea to fully understand all of Google’s tools.

This helps you to understand how they contribute to the overall goal of having your firm be found at the top of the search results for relevant divorce-related keywords. Let’s dive into the Google products that should be used as part of an effective online marketing strategy for divorce lawyers.

Google Analytics

Knowing where your website traffic comes from and what it does on your website allows you to accomplish a few things:

  • You can determine the best sources of traffic and target them more aggressively through paid ads, promoted content, etc.
  • Traffic sources that don’t convert leads within your acquisition goal can be eliminated, allowing the allocated budget to be applied to more cost-friendly marketing.
  • See how visitors are reacting to certain pages and offers. If a page or offer has a short visit duration or high bounce rate the content or offer will need to be changed.

Google Analytics gives you access to an incredible amount of website data, and it can be overwhelming at first, especially to those who have never tracked their visitor data in the past.

Spend a few minutes a day looking at your data and exploring the features available. It’s a good idea to understand what is happening on your website, even if you have an agency running your divorce attorney marketing effort. If your law firm’s website is built on WordPress you can install MonsterInsights, a free plugin that gives you a nice Google Analytics data display right inside your control panel.

Google Search Console

This is another data tool that many websites don’t take advantage of. You will need to authenticate your website – proving ownership of your law firm’s domain – for it to start collecting data.

Once you have it connected, you will want to keep an eye on it for technical warnings as it’s the best source for information related to the health and discoverability of your website. Broken pages, indexing issues, etc. will all be displayed in your Search Console dashboard. Enabling critical notifications is advised, as the sooner you know about a potential issue the sooner you can correct it.

The ‘Performance’ tab in Search Console is a great source of information that can help your SEO efforts. This shows you the top search terms that triggered your website to show in the search results, what position you were shown in, and what page was offered. Furthermore, you can see the clickthrough rate and the average position for each term.

Google Keyword Planner for Divorce Attorney Google Ads

Google Ads allow you to show up for the most competitive keywords instantly, as long as your bidding is aggressive. Legal keywords, and especially those related to divorce attorneys, are some of the most competitive and expensive terms to rank for.

Google’s Keyword Planner is a great tool that can help you find additional keywords to target, providing you with information relevant to their competition and cost. While this tool is designed with pay-per-click ads in mind, it can also be used to help improve your divorce attorney SEO campaign.

Since the competition is so intense – and costly – for the top divorce law firm keywords, it’s a good idea to test them with PPC ads first before investing the time and money on ranking for them. This allows you to drive instant traffic to your landing page and offer and test how well the particular keyword converts.

If it performs well, then it is worth targeting organically through SEO. If it doesn’t convert as expected you save wasted time, effort, and money. Using Google’s Keyword Planner can help you find new keyword ideas to test before optimizing for them organically.

Google My Business

The Google Maps results are prime real estate for a divorce attorney. These local results are what attract the most attention – and clicks – when Google determines that a search has local intent.

For example, if someone in Dallas, Texas searches “divorce attorney near me” they are going to be shown divorce attorneys located in Dallas. Where goes Google’s local search algorithm pull the data from? From its Google My Business directory.

Claiming your GMB listing is free, and while most law firms have already done this, the majority that we come in contact with are not optimized correctly. You want to be sure that your entire profile is completed and contains as much information as possible.

From hours of operation to images of your office, if Google is allowing you to input it you want to make sure you do. The more complete and thorough your profile, the better. Then, you want to be sure your description is optimized for your main area of practice as well as your location.

Firm reviews play a key role in not only satisfying the algorithm but also in attracting clicks and phone calls. A firm with double the amount of reviews as the next is going to be automatically viewed as more successful. It’s just the nature of consumer thinking.

When it comes to divorce – and things like assets, finances, and children come into the picture, you want to do everything possible to make your firm more appealing during that initial search period.

Make an effort to get your past clients to leave a review and implement automated follow-up for all future clients to secure a review immediately upon the completion of your representation.

Google Optimize

Your website serves as a lead generation tool, and you must convert the highest number of visitors into leads to keep your cost-per-lead down. The more leads you can generate from SEO and paid ads, the more clients you will retain.

If your website isn’t converting as high as you would like, Google Optimize is a tool that allows you to easily split-test different copy, images, calls-to-action, and offers on your landing pages. Sometimes something as simple as changing the CTA text on a button will improve your conversion rates.

There are so many factors to consider – page layout, graphics, CTA, button color, button text, headline, offer copy, etc. Google Optimize allows you to create multiple versions on your pages and see the results of each side-by-side.

When you have data that shows you what pages convert higher and what ones are performing poorly you can significantly reduce your CPL by improving your conversion rates by constantly tweaking based on data.

Final Thoughts

To be found at the top of the Google search results, where the majority of potential clients begin their search, you need to take full advantage of the products mentioned above. While there are many tools, software, and SaaS products all designed to help optimize and improve online marketing campaigns, there are no better options than those from Google directly.

While most tools provide you with estimates and guesses, Google is giving you information and data directly from the source. There is no need to second guess any of the data – it’s coming directly from the search giant.

If you have any questions about the Google products we explained above or would like to speak to us about the divorce attorney online marketing services we offer, please contact us to schedule a time to speak. Our team of divorce attorney marketers will be more than happy to answer your questions and highlight how we can help position your firm at the top of Google’s search results for the highest converting divorce lawyer keywords.

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